Velocity Diet days 24 – 26

August 20, 2009 3pm in Velocity Diet | Comments (2)

Today is day 26!  Only two days to go until I get to eat one meal a day.  I can’t wait.

Being Thursday, this is about when the hunger pangs start, but they’re not so bad this time, I think because I know I’m allowed a meal a day from Saturday!

Although I’ve been bad, I skipped my first workout this week.  I can’t let that happen again… naughty naughty.

128 meals down and only 12 to go.  91% of the way through.  I’m so excited!

2 Responses to “Velocity Diet days 24 – 26”

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  1. Comment by ally — August 20, 2009 7pm  

    good efforts mate, almost there!

    i’m thinking about doing it myself. its not the lack of food that puts me off, but the price of the stuff!! can you point me in the right direction for saving some cash?

    how much in total do you think it cost you? any help you could give me would be great.


  2. Comment by matt — August 21, 2009 3pm  

    Hi Ally!
    Actually, I really wanted to make sure I bought the actual products recommended by the diet, and because I’m in the UK (London), there really is only once place to buy them from, and that’s eBay.
    I’ve just written a whole post on the subject, I hope you might be interested in reading it.
    I hope for your sake you’re in the USA, because you will get everything MUCH cheaper than I did :-)
    Thanks for the kind words!

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