Updation of my blog, or lack of it.

October 10, 2009 3pm in Random Ramblings | Comments (0)

Okay, I realise updation is not a word, but people at my work use it all the time!

My friend Dave pointed out that I haven’t been updating my blog, but I was happy to realise that people are actually reading it!  It’s been close to a month since I wrote anything, but let’s see if I can keep it up to date from now on.

Suddenly, on the 6th of September (the last day of the Velocity Diet) I got sick with a cold, then two weeks after that I got a headache, then two weeks after that I got a week-long stomach ache – I haven’t been well.  I’ll write about that in another post.

Although in theory, being sick means that I’ve been staying in more which means I should have had more reason to update my blog!

One of my friends on facebook is doing “Project 365″, where he takes a photo of something in his life every day for a year.  I thought about doing that, then I thought I don’t think my life isn’t interesting enough to have an interesting photo every day!  Which made me think I really need to get out more.

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