Jet Set Willy
I used to love this game as a kid on my Commodore 64. Then Jet Set Willy II came out and I loved that even more.
Because I’m such a geek, I wrote my own version of Jet Set Willy in around June this year (about 22 years after I played the original). It’s a version that you can play in your browser here. I tried to make it as close to the original as possible, even with the same music.
Surprisingly, when you do a search on Google for Jet Set Willy, mine comes up third (your results depends on your country, but on my computer it comes up third). I think that’s pretty good – that means it’s the third most important link in the world on Jet Set Willy – not bad considering I only did my version a few months ago.
Now, if only I knew how to make money from this sort of thing.
That’s actually not half bad, mate! I have played a few of the homebrow ones and they were ridiculously hard.