Tube strike today

November 29, 2010 5pm in Random Ramblings | Comments (0)

Well there’s been a lot of tube strikes recently. But this time it’s different for me because I actually take the tube two stops each day now since I’ve moved out of Tower Hamlets and also changed jobs.

It said on the TFL website when I woke up that my local station (Bermondsey) was closed, so instead I walked all the way over to Tower Gateway and caught the DLR (light rail) instead, which wasn’t on strike. That means my journey took an extra 20 minutes and cost an extra £1. And then, when I got to work, it seemed that Bermondsey had actually reopened.

But I didn’t mind too much – if these people are going to strike, then I’d rather not give them my money. And, because Tower Gateway is the first station on the DLR, it meant I actually got a seat this morning, rather than the usual daily grind of being shoved up against the side of the tube, having to curve my body to match the contours of the door each day.

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