Putting runs and walks on the map

July 26, 2009 3pm in Health and Fitness,Yes, I'm a geek. | Comments (0)

For those of you that don’t know, I like running and walking, and each time I go out for at least an hour, I draw the route that I ran on www.mapmyrun.com.  The site has a lot of bugs, but it’s the best one out there that I know of (that, and I started on that site, and I don’t want to swtich to another site).

Yes, that makes me a geek alright… but it’s a good way to track how far I go each month and how many calories it burns.

I walked for 22km today around Tower Hamlets to take some photos (the map’s just there), and put it on the map when I got back home. I’ll put the photos I took up in a separate post so you can see where I live!  It will be exciting.

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