Another fantastic trip from Karen

March 28, 2010 4pm in Family | Comments (1)

Karen came to visit last week. We went on the London Eye and did some shopping during the day, and we met up with Hannah in the evening. I’ve put all the photos on facebook, you can see them by clicking here. I’ve put some here as well.

Me and Karen on the London Eye!

Karen on the London Eye Matt on the London Eye

An American tourist asked me if this structure in the distance that we could see from the top of the London Eye was the Eiffel Tower. I instinctively started laughing, until I realised he was deadly serious. And then I felt really bad!

It’s actually the Crystal Palace Transmitting Tower in South London, which gives most of London its TV signal.

Eiffel Tower from the London Eye? 1 Eiffel Tower from the London Eye? 2

Then we met up with Hannah, and the odd photos started:

Hannah and Karen at Paddington Station On the tube


One Response to “Another fantastic trip from Karen”

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  1. Comment by MumMarch 27, 2011 12am  

    I love this entry on y our blog. Well written with your usual style and great photos.

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