Look… where?

July 23, 2009 7pm in Pedantry | Comments (2)


In London, they have “Look Left” and “Look Right” painted on the road at most intersections, to relieve people of the one tiny bit of thinking they have to do when crossing the road.

However… I’m not sure which way to look at this intersection!  Oh no what do I do!

Apparently I look to the rigiht. 

Actually, I do know which way to look; I walk along this road every day and have done every weekday for the last 3 or so years.  In fact, that’s my work in the top right of the picture.

This is becoming one of my most popular sayings already… but you clearly don’t have to have a university degree to work for the City of London Road Painting Division.

2 Responses to “Look… where?”

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  1. Comment by BlakJakJuly 25, 2009 2am  

    They specify the direction you look to account for the vast number of tourists (esp from other parts of Europe) who are used to instinctively looking the wrong way first/last before crossing the road.

    Having done the inverse crossing the road in the USA, I understand exactly why it’s a good idea.

    Can’t account for the spelling, though.

  2. Comment by matt — July 25, 2009 11am  

    True, it might explain why they’ve written the Look Left/Right lettering on Tower Bridge in French as well

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