Running again, and no hiccups!

November 6, 2009 7pm in Health and Fitness | Comments (0)

Well after aching all week from my long run on Monday, I went out again last night.  I started out going the same way as I did on Monday, but once I got through the Rotherhithe Tunnel on the south side of the river I thought to myself “wow, to do a half-marathon I would have to be out for another 1 hr 40.  No way can I be bothered doing that” even though I wasn’t hurting at all.  So clearly running a long way is all about mind over matter!

It was Guy Fawkes night, and I was almost hesitant to go out with all the fireworks going on, because I fear in Tower Hamlets you have the sort of people who would purposely aim their fireworks at you.  But I went out anyway, and saw a lot of people with fireworks and it was nice.  I avoided some young people lighting fireworks in the middle of Wapping Woods but otherwise it was uneventful.

And I had no hiccups when I got back!  Awesome.

I’m not planning on putting up every run that I’ve done, if you’re really interested you can follow my progress at

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